Urban Agriculture
Revitalizing N. Broad St. and the surrounding community, can be accomplished by creating a system of connections unifying the surrounding areas. The project can be broken down into three phases. Phase 1: visually connecting the North Broad St. underground subway system to the street level of North Broad St. This connection will bring natural light to the subway system and give users affording a clear view of the street above. Phase 2: Installing rain gardens on secondary streets to create a linking system to N. Broad St. Phase 3: Transform vacant lots into community gardens and parks. These changes improve the local economy, allowing neighbors to come together for a common interest, and promote healthy lifestyles.
Phase 1: Revitalize N. Broad St. | N. Broad St. Existing | Broad St Plan |
Broad St Perspective | Broad St Eye Level | Subway Section |
Existing Subway | Subway 1 | Subway 2 |
Phase 2: Connect Secondary Streets | Existing Secondary St. | Secondary St Plan |
Secondary St Perspective | Secondary St Eye Level | Rain Garden Diagram |
Separation of cars, public transportation, bikes, and pedestrians
- Install rain gardens/ Sky lights
- Improves bike safety
- Creates an attractive atmosphere
Visually connect the North Broad St. subway system to North Broad St.
- Natural daylighting in the subway
- Helps reduce carbon emissions
- Improves air and water quality
- Prevents storm water runoff
Revitalize N. Broad St.
Create a linking system to N. Broad St.
- Rain gardens on sidewalks
- Creates an attractive atmosphere
- Promotes a sense of pride in the community
- Helps reduce carbon emissions
- Improves air and water quality
- Prevents storm water runoff
Connect Secondary Streets
Activate the Community
Utilize vacant lots to create:
- Places to sit and relax, or take a walk
- An escape from the bustling city
Community gardens:
- Promotes health and nutrition
- Improves local economies
- Allows neighbors to come together for a common interest
- Serves as an outdoor classroom hosting cooking workshops & gardening classes
- Helps reduce carbon emissions
- Improves air and water quality
Phase 3: Activate the Community | Existing Small Lot Plan | Existing Small Lot Perspective |
Small Lot Plan | Small Lot Perspective | Small Lot Eye Level 1 |
Small Lot Eye Level 2 | Existing Large Lot Plan | Existing Large Lot Perspective |
Large Lot Plan | Large Lot Perspective 2 | Large Lot Perspective 1 |
Large Lot Eye Level BBQ | Large Lot Eye Level BBQ 2 | Large Lot Eye Level 3 |
Large Lot Eye Level 4 |
Existing Conditions
Existing Map | Satellite Map | N. Broad St. Existing |
Existing Subway | Existing Secondary St. | Existing Small Lot Perspective |
Existing Small Lot Plan | N. Broad St. Existing | Existing Large Lot Perspective |
Large Lot Plan.png |
- The area between Girard Ave. and Spring Garden St. is disconnected
- The area is ridden with vacant lots and abandoned buildings
- The area lacks a sense of community and identity
- The area is unpleasant and lacks green spaces
- The subway system is run down and is an unpleasant experience to ride
- Rainwater runoff is a major problem in Philadelphia, and causes polution