Conclusions: This allows us to each branch out into individual concepts of enhancing the community. These concepts include: celebrating the median to enhance the pedestrian experience from the center of the street, placemaking where pedestrians can slow down through attention-grabbing parasitic beacons that allude to the existing landmarks, and revitalizing North Broad St. and the surrounding community through a three phase process: Phase 1, visually connect the North Broad St. subway system to North Broad St. Phase 2, create a linking system to N. Broad St. Phase 3, transform vacant lots into community gardens and parks.
Results/Product: The results of our process allowed us to each formulate four concepts of our immediate reactions to the site. These concepts include: noise, dependency, tradition versus modern, recycle/reuse, vibes, hustle, opportunity, corruption, hidden, gradual, patina, and context.
What we saw
Landmarks, and other observations
Objective: The main objective of this project is to activate the unused spaces within Spring Garden Street to Girard Avenue on North Broad Street. By shaping similar community activities, the east and west sides of North Broad Street become unified, a functional whole rather than disparate vacant spaces.
Methods: The process we employed involved exploring the street from a pedestrian viewpoint, video recordings and photographs of the site’s circulation, materials/fabric, scale, sound, and culture of the community. We then decided to divide our section of North Broad Street into three segments (Spring Garden Street to Fairmount Ave, Fairmount Ave to Parrish Street and Parrish Street to Girard Ave) in order to better dissect these communities and their interaction with these unused spaces.
Spring Garden to Girard