Connectivity Through Vancancy
With the vast distinction between Center City and Northern Broad Street in terms of land use, cultures and population. The goal is to design an infrastructure that can be utilized as a catalyst to draw in the density of Center City closer to Spring Garden expand into Northern Broad Street.

In the area between Center City and Spring Garden there a several medical, educational institutions and notable landmarks dispersed throughout the distant. The traffic throughout the site is heavy but varies throughout the day. What plagues this area is a superfluous amount of parking infrastructure and lacks of space for leisure, socialization, community and food vending.

According to the Bicycle Coalalition of Greater Philadelphia the area between Center City and Spring Garden is the location of two intersections with the highest reported bike crashes between 2007 to 2012 (#3) Broad Street and Spring Garden ( 9 crashes) and (#6) Broad and Vine (7 crashes). It is also noted that red light running by cyclists is often-cited as a contrutory factor in fatal or serious injury bicycle crashes.