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Subway system plays an importatn role
Critical to North Broad Street is the underground subway system, a major transportation system through the city of Philadelphia.
Many of the subway stops along North Broad Street are a dark, dirty and dungeon-like underground; certainly not desirable places for people to linger for long.
Introducing Natural Light into the subway
Bringing sunlight into the subway could open the space to exhilerating activities, making the sunken plaza into a natural site for people to spend time with neighbors, relax and enjoy.
"It is all about Food"
Food, being so important to people's life, bringing them breaks during a harsh day. Matching people and activities with food seems like a good daily idea.

worldwide metro

subway line

potential platform

worldwide metro
How I do this?
-- The process of the subway station redesigning


introducing natural light into underground world and connect uperground level and underground

lighting system on the ceiling


food map


food map
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