Through our site analysis we were able to come up with four words that described this concentration of North Broad Street as a whole.
Vacancy: This words identifies various areas throughout the site that have no program or are rather utilized as a dead space that holds cars.
Massive: The size of buildings within the site make the scale of a human feel insignificant in context. The building materials used cause them to appear looming, heavy, and above those on the street level.
Post Industrial: A programmatic shift from an individual setting to a commercial setting exists within the site.
Disconnection: There exists a lack of transition among pedestrians traveling this section of North Broad Street.

City Hall to Spring Garden
This concentration of North Broad Street contains a higher class of individuals as well as a vast majority of commercial buildings. We found that much of this site contained vacancies. Through the interventions that we proposed individually, we hoped to enhance pedestrian as well as bike transitions throughout the space.

We identified landmarks during our site analysis, those of which are pictured below.

As individuals, we chose to intervene within the highlighted areas on the map.