What We're Doing
In North Broad we saw a great opportunity to work as architects with a community in the hopes that through building, and education, we could help this community reveal themselves to the rest of Philadelphia.
What We Learned
We found that the total groupings of our interventions as a team could not be designed without first finding our clients. In the site we find three main client groups; students of Temple University, Homeless individuals that live in the corners of buildings and the passerby that come through to buy from places of commerce. To engage the groups of individuals we found that we needed to change the way that they experienced this space that for many is transitory to either the university or a path towards center city. As a group we found issue in the area with the way that green space is inhabited, job placement and afterschool activity, and reimagining the transition from the space through subway transportation. We seek to create bridges between the communities in a creative architectural manner.
What we saw
Through several observations as a group we found many different attributes to the site. With the shared nature of being both a part of a college campus, a neighborhood in the city as well as being part of a large city the way that this land is treated proved that this is a place that needs intervention to sustain healthy life. We found that in many cases the further that one walks from campus the more that degradation is visible along Broad Street. Some group members saw a concern with safety along large stretches of land that was scarcely populated with activity. Even through all of this we find that individuals in the area are looking for improvement and long for communal change.
Three team members were assigned to the Girard to Cecil B. Moore section of Broad Street. The projects of this section work to reconnect with history, refresh the streets, empower communities and inspire hope.
Girard to Cecil B. Moore
Site Definitions
Desire /dih-zahyuh r/ v. (used with object), desired, desiring.1. to wish or long for; crave; want. 2. to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request:
n. 3.a longing or craving, as for something that bringssatisfaction or enjoyment: 4. an expressed wish; request. 5. something desired. 6. sexual appetite or a sexual urge.
Stagnant /stag-nuh nt/ adj. 1. Not flowing or running, as water, air, etc. 2. Stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water. 3. Characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement. 4. Inactive, sluggish, or dull.
Closed,/klohzd/,adj.,having or forming a boundary or barrier:,2.,brought to a close; concluded:,3.,not public; restricted; exclusive:,,4.,,not open to new ideas or arguments.,,5._Self_contained; independent or self_sufficient:6.Phonetics. (of a syllable) ending with a consonantor a consonant cluster, as has, hasp.,Compare open (def 35b).7.Linguistics. (of a class of items) limited inmembership and not readily expanded to includenew items, as the class of inflectional affixes,articles, pronouns, or auxiliaries (opposed toopen ).
